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Never forget, a 13-year study found that protected bike-lanes led to a drastic decline in fatalities for all road users.


And painted bike-lanes? No safety improvement at all. For sharrows, it’s safer to NOT have them.


Als Antwort auf Brent Toderian

narrower lanes are safer in general too in spite of what traffic engineers think. Slows people down. (People, not cars, we gotta stop planning for cars...)
Als Antwort auf Brent Toderian

Totally unscientific, but personal story:
Years ago, in Amsterdam, a car was parked on a bike lane that was only divided by a painted line from the car lane and tram tracks. I (cycling) swerved to avoid it. I was careful, but I still got stuck in the tram tracks. I fell, was hit by another car and spent the evening in the ER. Luckily I had no fatal injuries. The arrogant car owner who thought he could just park on the cycle lane went unpunished.
Als Antwort auf Brent Toderian

I strongly believe that intentional collisions and vehicular assault are more common than anyone wants to believe. Therefore, making such separation imperative.
Als Antwort auf Brent Toderian

No surprise there. Additionally, “Vehicular Cycling” is one of the worst ideas I’d ever heard when I came across it. And I realized how much this braindead idea influenced transportation engineering in the US and Canada.

“Cyclists May Use Full Lane”. As if a sign will protect a cyclist from being hit by a truck.

And I think it made planners lazy and let them design roads for cars, even where plenty of room exists for protected bike lanes 🙁

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Als Antwort auf Brent Toderian

acutally implement something like this. I remember how annoying it was to see a bunch of bikers on the road with my mom and it pissed us off so much. theres a sidewalk for a reason. Was this close to running them over. Something like this would be so good for society
Als Antwort auf Brent Toderian

still think have a big spike in the middle of the steering wheel will be the safest for everyone and also will have the side effect of reducing pollution
Als Antwort auf Brent Toderian

and I believe more car users were saved than any other group. But I may be wrong on that!