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Just installed #LineageOS #MicroG on my Galaxy Tab. So far, everything works great and so much better without all the bloatware. I installed #Saber for handwritten notes and I'm happy with it as well.

Are there any #FOSS apps you'd recommend for tablets?

#Lineage #fdroid #opensource #degoogle #GalaxyTabS6Lite

Als Antwort auf Merula Passeri

@Merula Passeri If the question is still relevant:
Especially for tablets / larger screens, NewPipe would of course be important for watching #Youtube and #Peertube. Best to add the repo for faster updates
Then perhaps a launcher that is better suited to tablets and maybe a special keyboard (e.g. Hackers was good for tablets, but is no longer being developed)
Als Antwort auf caos

@caos Yes, I ended up with NewPipe for YouTube and Xtra for Twitch, they are really great apps, way better than the original ones. I installed NewPipe from the default F-Droid repo though, are there big differences in the newer versions?
Als Antwort auf Merula Passeri

@Merula Passeri If YouTube makes any changes, #NewPipe may not work properly temporarily until an update is released. With the repo, the updates come very quickly, without it takes a little longer.