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Als Antwort auf ★Miller

@★Miller I understand your criticism, which is partly fair.

If you are an anarchist and want to make yourself dependent on the Microsoft monopoly, I would still try to stop you because it is nonsense.

Stalinists have no place in my left-wing utopia. I would always make it clear to them that they are wrong.

(These are just examples of my way of thinking. Of course, I am in no way implying that this is your way of thinking.)

Als Antwort auf Script Kiddie

Sometimes we need to use Windows because there are programs that doesn't run under Linux. We need also to use Facebook and WhatsApp because our contacts are there.
Als Antwort auf Mahmoud


Before there was Libreoffice / Open Office, there were people who sent around documents in DOC format by email. They forced the recipients to purchase the expensive program from Microsoft in order to read these documents. In the spirit of a free and open society, I think it is much better to use software that uses free formats that can be opened by anyone.

Als Antwort auf Script Kiddie

Before fb and WhatsApp it was possible to talk with our Friends by phone, email.
These services are not dead yet.
If it's Real Friends they will find an another way to contact you.
Signal is great with more privacy.

Which of your software still need windows ?
I am sure you could find a nice solution fully on the cloud

Als Antwort auf Script Kiddie

Sometimes we need to use Windows because there are programs that doesn’t run under Linux.

There are Programs not running on Windows but with the same features and capabilities or more, that can access the same files the Windows programs use. Basically, your argument is an excuse.

If things aren't compatible with FOSS, it's not FOSS's problem, but that of the proprietary software. FOSS will always (almost by definition) be more flexible.

Als Antwort auf Script Kiddie

Finally, and when i read your arguments, i went to resolve an old problem with a program that didn't want to work with wine, now it's working, i have found a solution. It is not a well known program, it is related to my studies.

Sorry if there are mistakes in my english writing.

Als Antwort auf Script Kiddie

I got all of my college coursework done using LibreOffice, even though I had professors who insisted on "Microsoft format."
Als Antwort auf Script Kiddie

"X" isn't open-source, not decentralized, still under control of one guy with his own agenda. I would stick with the Fediverse, @Andrej.