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The Netherlands is doing a pilot program to supply #fediverse accounts for all Dutch university students! :undefined:
via @n1ckfg
Als Antwort auf 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼

Indoctrinating kids into Twitter culture instead of healthier and less toxic alternatives.

What could possibly go wrong?

Als Antwort auf 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼

It sounds like a statement that nowadays you must have a social media account. And that a single platform is the best way to do that. Would make a litlle more sense if each university/college had its own server (with multiple options).
Als Antwort auf Papa Dragon

@Papa Dragon
never overstrain Universities an their students 😉

Focus on using, not hosting

Anyone can set up and host their own Mastodon server. But if you want to do this in a reliable, scalable and secure way, you need a lot of expertise on IT infrastructure, software, databases, security and privacy. That is why SURF provides a pilot environment and institutions and individual users can focus on using it. They do not have to deal with the technology, availability and maintenance of the server.

@Wladimir Mufty

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