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Why Atheists need Ecstasy

Why Atheists need Ecstasy

tl/dr: This article

* summarizes what is known about ecstatic and mystical experiences,

* argues that in order to end (supernaturalist) religion, it is necessary to have a nonreligious appreciation of these experiences and

* claims these experiences have specific advantageous effects that make them worth having for atheists.

It also contains sex, drugs and Sufi whirling.

(This is a blog post, by a friend of mine. To read the rest, click here)

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Liebes Lazyweb, wie mache ich die voreingesyellten Sprach- und Inhaltsfilter in friendica weg? Ich will alles sehen.

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Roland Häder hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Cino

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Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag

@Tuxi 🐧 ✅ Ich meine diese Anzeige von ungelesenen Beiträgen oben links, die sich auf die Haupt-Timeline zu beziehen scheint:

Anton Eisenhoit (German, 1553-1603), Allegorical Figure of Heresy, 1589

Via: philamuseum.org/collection/obj…